Your Stories

Stories are some of the pieces of research that people talk about which always get you back into it. If you haven’t got the time or maybe you are stuck then why not email us and we can restart your own research for you?

“I had a hint from the site to look at a cousin of mine 5 x distant and 3 times removed. Her name was Sarah and was part of my family line that was so far away from me her surname would have never registered in my head. I looked into her and discovered she had taken a boat leaving Liverpool, England to America in 1856. There was a record from the Captain of the voyage and the arrival in New Orleans.There was also a record of her move north to St Louis some time later and then a wagon train west to Utah. The story linked a relative in a crazy way that I could never have imagined without that hint. This is why you need research help it changes your thinking and offers much more than names on paper.”